What we can do for you
A people-centred strategy, a people-based brand and the engagement to get them implemented.
The pillars of our experience and offer are: strategy, branding and mindfulness, implemented by employee engagement.
Strategy is about where you want to go and the steps you need to take to get there.
The brand is about how you do this. It determines the behaviour and actions that characterise the organisation towards the outside world and the internal stakeholders. The brand values influence organisational culture and vice versa: an authentic brand is based on strong, differentiating, and relevant cultural values.
We work with our clients on employee engagement programmes to ensure it is all brought to life and does not remain limited to words in a document. These programmes focus on embedding strategy, brand and culture across the organisation at all levels.
If an organisation is open to mindfulness, we integrate this into our approach. Scientific research has proven its positive impact on decision-making, reduced stress levels and improved subjective well-being. The better connection to what truly drives people and organisations, and the open-minded attitude resulting from mindfulness lead to a boost in innovation and seeing opportunities beyond the usual.
Where to go
We help you set clear objectives and translate them into easy-to-understand, effective and measurable strategies, so everyone in the organisation knows what to do and how to cooperate.
We use the OGSM framework (used in many Fortune 500 companies), which fits a strategy onto one A4.
What makes us unique is the utilisation of strategic mindfulness in our approach (if desired by the client). By increasing awareness of the internal and external environments, we enable organisations to have a broader and more diverse range of strategic opportunities.
Result: transparency, shared goals and incentives, focus, motivation and internal efficiency.
The DNA of the organisation
We work with senior management and their strategy, marketing, communications, digital and HR teams to define and sharpen brands. Together, we find the DNA of the organisation and make this explicit.
Result: better alignment and sense of connectedness across all functions and levels in the organisation, leading to improved day-to-day decision-making and motivation.
Leadership, Engagement, Internal Communication
Making it work
The success of an organisation or department is determined by the effectiveness of its leaders in engaging with their counterparts and employees to embed strategy, brand and culture. Therefore, we offer various made-to-measure training programmes for leaders, leadership teams and supporting functions (e.g. HR and Internal Communications) to help you make your strategy work.
Result: engaged and empowered employees with a sense of purpose, direction, motivation and confidence.
Clear mind, better decisions
Since mindfulness plays an important role in our approach and all of our services, it may be no surprise that we also offer mindfulness workshops, courses and consultancy as a stand-alone service.
While mindfulness is by no means the "cure-it-all", as some may position it, it certainly is a welcome ingredient in today's organisational and personal environments. Scientific studies have documented how mindfulness improves decision making, reduces stress levels and improves subjective well-being. In addition, the better connection to what truly drives people and organisations, as well as the open-minded attitude resulting from mindfulness lead to a boost in innovation and seeing opportunities beyond the usual.
Result: an organisation that thrives as a whole.